found this great bookmarklet for downloading DRM’d books from the internet archive in high quality. did not work in edge, but worked great in chrome!

  • I like the project but I dislike the author calling it a autistic project.

    Not every project striving to solve a simple problem is autism. Everyone has projects and normal people also get caught in the flow to solve a problem they are having.

    • It is important to note that before the event of tiktok and before everyone and their peers sef-diagnosed as autistic, the term was already used semi-ironically for comedic effect on less sensible internet forums when describing any nerdy behavior, as it is in this context.

      You may still deplore the use of a disease slight divergence from the societally accepted set of behaviors as a comically charged descriptor, but make sure you don’t interpret is as a serious commentary on the nature of the project, for that would be in error.