No Canadian companies involved in a shortened workweek trial intend to revert back to a five-day week, new research from 4 Day Week Global shows.

  • What’s never clear in these sorts of articles is if there was any reduction in salaries, or increase in working hours. Like are people going from working 40 hours a week to 32 with no change to their paycheck? Or are they getting paid 20% less? Or are they still working 40 hours, just over 4 days instead of 5?

    •  sik0fewl   ( ) OP
      11 months ago

      I’m just guessing based on what I’ve seen elsewhere, but I think it’s fewer hours with same pay. I don’t think the pay could be less or people wouldn’t want to stay with the company, as mentioned in the article.

    • My employer was not part of this trial but has been doing this since Spring 2022. There’s been no increase in hours/workday or decrease in salary (and in fact, I got a raise—I think most people got at least a COLA).

      We ran our own trial and the results are honestly even more positive than I would’ve thought myself.