• Fallout 3. I had a big lull in gaming where I played some on Xbox and ps2, but not much on those either because I started working (at like 15 years old) and my PC could no longer handle games. So I missed out on that when it came out. And New Vegas. Well after a few years and after moving to a place that had broadband, I had the money for a new PC. FO3 goty happened to be on sale on steam. I grabbed it for super cheap and just become so engrossed. I don’t think I had played a modern open world game like that ever at that point. And it had such a fun interactive story where choices had consequences. I blew the shit out of a whole town with a nuke not realizing how it would impact things. Now it is my favorite type of game. Grabbed New Vegas on sale shortly after and got to continue the experience. All for super cheap.