Inundated with complaints, Tesla created “Diversion Team” to cancel appointments.

  • “Tesla years ago began exaggerating its vehicles’ potential driving distance—by rigging their range-estimating software,” The company decided about a decade ago, for marketing purposes, to write algorithms for its range meter that would show drivers ‘rosy’ projections for the distance it could travel on a full battery, according to a person familiar with an early design of the software for its in-dash readouts."

    Once the battery fell below 50 percent, “the algorithm would show drivers more realistic projections for their remaining driving range.”

    This has nothing to do with the EPA, and everything to do with the car’s battery management software.

      • Despite the fact the EPA is mentioned in the article; stating their actions into testing EVs and enforcing mileage estimates, the article is about Tesla inflating their battery estimates in the car’s battery management software and providing misleading numbers to their customers in real time.

        Just because it provides some insight into the inner workings of EPA testing of EV’s, the EPA didn’t decide to SETUP an algorithm and give false information to Tesla drivers. Tesla did, and it looks like it’s possible by direct involvement of Elon Musk.

      • There is a reason for that I’ve heard before. The fuel tank isn’t uniformly built, the top half of it is physically wider (therefore bigger) than the bottom half. Not sure why manufacturers couldn’t build this into the gauge though.

        From my experience, my car doesn’t do that, but what it does do is the needle stays at full for 20-30 miles and only then starts moving.