I’m coming up on about 6 months of car-free life in Seattle. It’s certainly been challenging at times, and it’s only possible at all because I work from home, but I’m making it work. I’m curious if anyone else is trying to do the same thing. There are a ton of anti-car communities online, but very few people seem to actually go car-free as, like, an ideological thing

  •  phazer32   ( @phazer32@beehaw.org ) 
    1 year ago

    Not anymore, I was for a couple years in Denver but that was over 10 years ago. Live in the burbs now but have a Brompton folding bike that I use for short trips to the grocery store and sometimes commuting to work. It’s so practical it’s amazing to take it into stores, use it as a shopping cart, and never have to leave it locked up. Just got back from the Netherlands and wow what a fairy tale society they have infrastructure-wise. The more I learn, travel, and see how some places in Europe are doing things the angrier I get with most of North America’s mentality/legislation.