I’m genuinely so excited to see some of the more focussed communities blossom on this platform as they have on Reddit over the years. Which are your favourites and which do you think could succeed here?

  • I can give you a push in the right direction as long as you are comfortable running commands in a terminal. After the initial 15-30 minutes of technical setup, it becomes easy. But other than that I have no desire to run an NSFW community.

    Let me know - I could even set it up w/ you and hand you the keys, per se. I just don’t want lack of tech knowledge to be a barrier to entry for anyone.

    • You sound like a pretty great person and I really appreciate the offer. The biggest issue is money sadly, a fedi instance takes a lot of bandwidth and one dedicated to nsfw content will also take a lot of storage, both are things that in a vps would take a good bit of money and I’m already spending some, even if not A LOT, on my raccoonden.moe

      The most band and storage heavy part of it is my radio which I host on a raspberrypi along with a mumble server, but there’s only so much the poor thing can handle on it’s own. Today I installed some neovim plugins and I already noticed using nvim feels a little slower, so I doubt a lemmy instance is a possibility.