I honestly can’t even imagine what kind of scumbag would take the time and effort to deliberately try to put people in harm’s way by doing something like this.

  • there’s a vocal minority in Victoria that have a real stick up their ass about bike lanes.

    What’s their actual concern/problem? Bike lanes keep bikes out of car lanes and off sidewalks, and they make things safer for everyone while making roadways faster for motorists.

    •  TheWaterGod   ( @TheWaterGod@lemmy.ca ) 
      1 year ago

      I could be wrong about this (it’s the internet, I’m sure someone will correct me), but I think public perception of bike lanes in this city got kind of fucked because one of the previous city councils spent a ton of money without really explaining it properly and they were seemingly installing them on streets where they weren’t connected/doing much (this has got a lot better now).

      So now the whole thing is just one of those “let’s blame this” kind of topics. Kind of like “we’d have better blahblah if they didn’t waste all the money on bike lanes”. Nimbyism is also really strong in this city.