There’s a lot of things we’d like to get better at, but ideas like “eat healthier” or “get more exercise” can feel lofty and difficult to start. How do you break it down and make those first steps?

What’s something you’d like to do, but could use a little extra boost to get started?

  • Not offended at all - in fact, I think it’s awesome that something I wrote inspired you to write such a thorough piece in response 😄

    Funnily enough, dairy is probably the most difficult for me…I come from a family that drinks milk with every meal. Not to mention cheese…

    I like your advice about making small swaps. The oreos -> fewer oreos -> fig newton -> apple pipeline is a great example. In my case, baby steps like having a hamburger and a different beverage when it’s cheeseburger night may be the way to start. Thank you.

    • It actually took me getting so sick from eating bad that stuff like fast food has become repulsive. I managed to keep the repulsion as a kind of mental block. I spent almost 2 years riding 300-400 miles a week. When you need ~4k+ calories just to break even every day, the quality of those calories starts to matter quite a lot. Anything low quality that tends to sit in the gut for too long will cause major issues long term. Like I could feel eating anything from Macdonald’s for 2-3 days. I don’t know how they are so bad but even a salad was bad news. The one that made me say never again was their frozen coffee drink thing. Even that cost me days of misery. My most fundamental food rule is to only eat stuff that looks like it grows.

      Dairy seems far harder than it is in practice. If nothing else, try seeking out vegan deserts. They really can be just as good and in many cases better. They usually have much better quality ingredients and you’ll feel better for the subsequent day or two after, especially if you tend to have something sweat in the evening.