For those of us that have to work in the heat, what are some tips? Are there any foods that help or tricks like adding a bit of salt to your water?

  •  Gonk 9000   ( ) 
    1 year ago

    You don’t have to buy expensive garbage like Gatorade! You can make an electrolyte drink yourself and save money.

    • 1 l water
    • 0.5 TEAspoons normal salt
    • 6 TEAspoons sugar or glucose

    Warm everything together while mixing to dissolve the sugar, then allow to cool fully.

    You can add some flavor when it has cooled. Lemon, or lime, or artificial flavor if you prefer…

    Put it to a bottle, it’s ready to go.

    Don’t give this to small kids without diluting, they cannot handle a lot of salt. For kids (under 1 year), adjust with water, rule of thumb it should taste like at most teardrop level saltiness. Over 1 year can drink as-is. If in doubt, give under one-year olds something from the pharmacy to get the salt amount correct.

    Edit: typoed spoons, please check