Chinese demand for nickel, an important ingredient in EV batteries, has triggered a mining boom in the remote regions of Indonesia. The country has signed over a dozen deals worth more than $15 billion with suppliers for EV giants like Tesla and Hyundai Motor, but deaths and injuries from industrial accidents have been racking up.

  • I didn’t realize Li-ions were still using nickel.

    Regardless, Telsa and Ford have already switched to LiFePO4 for new models, and Toyota has started switching. Both competitive and economic pressures will push the migration sooner. The battery tech is just miles and miles better (literally). Car buyers will want the extra distance and faster charging.

    So, bylines that remark “nickel will feed EV giants like Tesla” is just disingenuous.

    •  PeachMan   ( ) 
      11 months ago

      Tesla and Ford both use LiFePo batteries in SOME of the EVs they sell, NOT ALL. Get your facts straight before you start attacking the credibility of others. You’re just repeating industry propaganda at this point.