What is your must have open source application available on fdroid?

New pipe - the YouTube front end is absolutely critical for my lifestyle.

  • I’m not in any way de-Googled, but I’m an old person who just wants to watch the occasional youtube link without all of the extra bullshit, and newpipe is perfect for that. Not having subscriptions or being able to login to my Google account is absolutely a feature, not a bug.

    Also, quick plug for NewPipe x SponsorBlock which can be added to F-Droid (I’ve since switched to Obtanium for it)

    • And of course, though you can’t import your old playlists, you can still create new ones to use with newpipe.

      Hell, you might be able to just make your old playlist on youtube “public” and access it with newpipe, and then bookmark that whole playlist, now that I think about it.