The Biden Administration’s rules seek to make lighting cheaper and less polluting

  • For some reason LED bulbs in my condo start flickering and die after only a few months of use. No idea why, but I actually switched back to incandescent because throwing away so many LED bulbs is more inefficient than running higher power bulbs.

    • Check the enclosures. LED lights have controller boards that have to be cooled, lest they burn up. Some enclosures are just not compatible with LED bulbs or you may need a different style. You might consider halogen. They’re still incandescent but far more energy efficient and, unlike CFLs, they don’t require s hazmat suit to clean up when they break.

      That said, CFLs are pretty awesome little feats of engineering too.

      Check out the Technology Connections YouTube page. Dude has a few videos on lighting you might benefit from having watched.

      • They managed to go faulty in a free standing lamp without a shade, just completely open, so I don’t think heat is an issue; something in the wiring must be messing with them.

        I have used some halogens, but I haven’t found many I like the light of. Might try some others to see how they look.

      • Lol when I was reading the first bit of your comment, I wondered “hmm, does this person also watch Technology Connections”?

        He’s also where I get all my knowledge of light bulbs from. He makes it all so fascinating.