• Ungh, yeah I used to have that problem with my laptop when I was in college.

    I only booted it up for classes unless I had a test coming up I needed to study for or something. Because why the fuck would I not do that - I had a regular computer at home for everything else.

    Every couple weeks, that meant it was updating instead of being available for note taking, and usually for the entire hour I needed it. Because apparently setting the updates to run during shutdown wasn’t good enough, they needed to be run on boot, because fuck you that’s why.

    Linux is just… hey I should probably update this shit at some point… meh, tomorrow.

    •  aksdb   ( @aksdb@feddit.de ) 
      61 year ago

      Because apparently setting the updates to run during shutdown wasn’t good enough, they needed to be run on boot, because fuck you that’s why.

      Oh it also loves to install updates on shut down. So when you need to leave the class room to go home that fucking thing tells you to not cut power because it needs to install shit. Fuck you, I need to catch my bus!

      • Legit idgaf if you want to be plugged in for an update, if it’s inconvenient I’m unplugging it, fuck you for thinking I won’t, and it’s above 60% battery so it doesn’t matter anyway.

        Maybe if my computer wasn’t buying so much avocado toast it could manage resources better.