
  • Don’t focus too much on the labels themselves. I’m using them as shorthand notation to describe a specific kind of mindset. The issues that were happening were essentially people of a privileged group starting discussions about a marginalized group to just ask questions or otherwise create a hostile space towards these minority groups but within the bounds of the rules.

    Imagine being a woman, confronted with sexism every day, posting an article about a study which proved this sexism, for the thread to be immediately dominated by men all talking about how that’s definitely not how they act. While it may be true (generous interpretation), it’s rather exhausting for the women who already experience being dismissed like this regularly in their lives and it’s also emotionally draining and doesn’t set up a very nice space for the women.

      • No need to apologize, I’m neurodiverse too 🙂 I can’t promise I’ll always have the time to be verbose or respond to everything, but I shall try my best. Please feel free to ask clarifying questions if you ever have them, and I’ll do my best to explain.