I think we’d all like to see this community come to life. And an important part of a successful community is a good group of well-intended mods.

I’ve modded just a tiny bit on reddit and I’m pretty new here, and mostly active sporadically throughout weekdays. So, as this community continues to grow it would be nice to have some other mods to help out where they can and want. The workload is practically nonexistent rn, but with any luck this community will one day thrive.

So, comment, ping me, message me, what have you, if you’re interested. Lmk any experience you may have on here or reddit (if so, link to your reddit account if you don’t mind), or just lmk what makes you want to be a mod of this community. That way we can find great mods for a great community!

Thanks for reading! Keep exploring every impossibility :)

  •  DudePluto   ( @DudePluto@lemmy.ml ) OP
    1 year ago

    With large communities it can be quite a commitment. But, with smaller communities like this it mainly entails keeping an eye on mod reports (notifications) and enforcing the rules by deleting rule-breaking comments, issuing warnings, blocking unruly users, etc. It can also entail using periodic discussion posts and adding/removing rules to foster more engagement. This might sound like a lot but it’s pretty much what you make it.

    The main thing is just enforcing community rules and adding/removing rules when necessary. And if it becomes too much for them, individual mods are always welcome to resign

      •  DudePluto   ( @DudePluto@lemmy.ml ) OP
        1 year ago

        No application! In a couple days I’ll be looking through users who are interested. Just looking at engagement, interactions, age of accounts, etc. So if you have a reddit account you can link to that would be helpful but overall nothing rigorous. We’re a small community after all :)

        • I’d like to keep my Socials apart from eachother if possible, but I have been on reddit for 7 years^^ I will also try to be active on lemmy but I still have to get used to the User Interface here, is kind of difficult as of right now, haha