Just want to say thank you to Connect dev Kuro for making Connect for Lemmy. Amidst all this hype for Sync and Boost, Connect remains ad- and subscription-free without compromising quality. This app is bomb and I won’t be veering off to competitors anytime soon. Bonus points for being Canadian too! 🍁 Thank you!

Edit: adding donation link to buy dev Kuro a coffee https://www.buymeacoffee.com/kurononeko

  •  Chris   ( @floppy@rabbitea.rs ) 
    311 months ago

    Connect was the first app I installed for Lemmy and I’ve seen no reason to try any others - it’s amazing. I was excited for Artemis (for Kbin, Lemmy support due to be added) but Connect is so good I’ve been using Lemmy much more, even though I hate the web UI, and the functionality of Connect is beating Artemis currently.