The two-day shutdown comes at a time of record-breaking extreme heat across the globe, with July poised to be the hottest month in history.

  •  bzxt   ( ) 
    1211 months ago

    The main culprits are the big oil companies. They made the carbon footprint term to make us feel guilty and shift the blame from the biggest polluters.

    • Yep! And I bet it’ll turn out in a few decades that it will come out they were also behind the Doomerism we’re seeing a lot of on social media these days. “Well it’s too late so why try?” Is much more comfortable than “We have to sacrifice a lot of comfort, but if we all try really hard we can do it.”

      Weird thought, you ever think oil executives have nightmares about a global collective wanting to bring them to the guillotine?

        •  GBU_28   ( ) 
          11 months ago

          I said in the first place that the companies hid the impact of pollution to maintain profits so fuck off with that.

          Do you think oil companies just make the oil products, emit the pollution and pump it back below the surface of the earth?

          No. We drove the cars that used it, we used the plastics, we asked for more and more and cheaper and cheaper and they said “sure thing bud 🤑”