•  Grant_M   ( @Grant_M@lemmy.ca ) 
    21 year ago

    They have to take the best interests of all Canadian citizens into account. Concessions from both sides need to be reached. That’s the job of Union negotiators.

    •  grte   ( @grte@lemmy.ca ) 
      1 year ago

      I think keeping maintenance work within the scope of the union instead of the realm of outside contracting is a perfectly fair ask from the union. Particularly as automation is becoming more of an issue keeping control of that maintenance work will likely become a matter of life or death for the union workers’ employment. I’d go so far as to say trying to make maintenance the realm of outside contractors is a sneaky way to try and bust the union long term.

      That aspect of the contract almost seems like nothing and yet that it is such a sticking point for both parties ought to be very telling.

      •  Grant_M   ( @Grant_M@lemmy.ca ) 
        31 year ago

        I agree with you 100%. This needs to be hashed out without bringing in a party representing 40 million people. The problem in all of these types of negotiations recently is both parties don’t want to negotiate, because extorting the country and turning it all into an unnecessary political scandal has become the standard. I’m saddened by this crap.