If gum took anywhere near 7 years to digest, regularly swallowing it would put you in the hospital within weeks. The gastrointestinal tract does not like obstructions.
Black holes may not be holes, but an up-close view of the event horizon would certainly look like one.
Iron maidens may be fake, but plenty of other ancient torture implements aren’t. Humans are awful.
Fun fact: you have an entire separate sense solely for knowing whether you need to shit.
If fan death was wasn’t a myth, I would have died a very long time ago.
Birds aren’t idiots. They know perfectly well the difference between a human and their own baby. If they could smell human, they still wouldn’t reject their babies because they’d also be able to smell baby bird.
If gum took anywhere near 7 years to digest, regularly swallowing it would put you in the hospital within weeks. The gastrointestinal tract does not like obstructions.
Black holes may not be holes, but an up-close view of the event horizon would certainly look like one.
Iron maidens may be fake, but plenty of other ancient torture implements aren’t. Humans are awful.
Fun fact: you have an entire separate sense solely for knowing whether you need to shit.
If fan death was wasn’t a myth, I would have died a very long time ago.
Birds aren’t idiots. They know perfectly well the difference between a human and their own baby. If they could smell human, they still wouldn’t reject their babies because they’d also be able to smell baby bird.
TIL getting laid is a performance-enhancing drug.