• Lol so you’re one of the devs the author is talking about. Imagine getting this worked up over a topic you clearly don’t understand. “Failed technology stack” – that’s right everyone, the most widely used stack on the planet is a failure because this guy doesn’t like javascript. Everyone else in the world is obviously a stupid moron for not seeing things his way.

    If you program in anything other than machine code you are an idiot. Remember that next time you use a failed abstraction like C.

    Can’t believe this nonsense actually got upvoted. You never even identify any real issues with modern JS or HTML. It’s just a bunch of run-on whining. “HTML was meant to provide a standardized way for presenting data” – lol so literally how it’s still used today.

    • At least C has a working equals operator. Go on, tell me about ===, invite the ridicule. I bet I know more about JavaScript than you do. I hate it because I am intimately familiar with it.

      // no equality comparison, but that shit is funny

      Any proper programming language wouldn’t even compile any of that nonsense.

      And something being widespread doesn’t mean it’s either right or good - look at religions.