There are about 16.3 million homes in the country. Canada Mortgage and Housing Corp. last year calculated that, for prices to moderate, 5.8 million more are needed over the next decade – that’s 3.5 million on top of the 2.3 million that would otherwise be built. Look at those numbers and wonder why the Prime Minister held a press conference for 214 homes. Look at those numbers and consider the national housing strategy’s modest impact, 107,519 homes, so far.

  •  MisterD   ( ) 
    11 months ago

    Many homes are vacant due waiting to make money via AirBnB.

    Many office towers are empty and could be converted to apartments

    Some homes are empty because they are investment vehicles and must be kept pristine to keep their value.

    Homes are made unaffordable by Corporations outbidding anyone trying to buy a home.

    Please note that all these issues are provincial domain. (b/c of division of powers) The PROVINCES are the ones doing nothing but it’s politically advantageous for them to make the Federal look bad.

    Since JT is probably not going to win the next election, could he call the Provinces’ bluff and declare martial law on provinces that shirk their responsibilities on the housing issue?

    •  floofloof   ( ) 
      1611 months ago

      With you until the last sentence, and it’s “martial law” not “marshal”. Handing over government to the military would be a very weird reaction to failures in provincial housing policy.

    • These are provincial domain you’re right, but I think the point of this editorial is that since the provinces aren’t doing their part (not by a LOT) the federal government needs to do more where it can.

      The feds could start building affordable homes again like they used to. They have a history of building homes, I dont know why this isnt being discussed.

      They could also study what other countries have done with their housing policies and copy what works. They need to take this crisis seriously and think outside the box.

      Both provincial and federal government need to be taking major action here.