The two-day shutdown comes at a time of record-breaking extreme heat across the globe, with July poised to be the hottest month in history.

  • The sacrifice you demand is life-ending. From the perspective of the person you demand it of, it is not better than the alternative.

    It also is not a solution. Even if cars stopped being a thing across the world right now, it would only slow global warming down a little, not stop it.

      • Billions of people live without their own car.

        …in abject poverty. No one deserves that. They must be lifted out of poverty as soon as possible, and yeah, that includes giving them access to transportation, preferably powered by something non-planet-destroying.

        Transportation is an unfair advantage to get ahead and it costs the rest of us profoundly.

        Humans would all still be living in caves and dying in their 30s if everyone thought like you do. There isn’t much hope for our species, but if it were up to you, there would be none at all.