I started daily driving Linux since I left school this year and used it before but mainly windows because school wanted us to run Word, Teams, etc. Today I wanted to play games and haven’t set up my device for gaming and didn’t want to download the game twice (good internet). Like a good PC user I wanted to do my updates. It really sucks on windows. I had three windows updates to make, one crashed. It rebooted my device 4 times. Also I needed to update other drivers and applications. Now I really appreciate package managers more than ever before.

  • Windows: “Time for updates! Stop everything you’re doing and please wait…please wait…please wait…please wait…”

    Linux: Update notifier pings on desktop

    Opens a terminal

    sudo apt update && apt upgrade

    *Goes back to whatever user was doing while updates install… *

    • Windows: “Time for updates! Stop everything you’re doing and please wait…please wait…please wait…please wait…”

      How am I hearing about this all the time, but it has never happened for me? Every windows update for me so far has always gone the same, unintrusive way - when it’s time to shut down the PC in the evening, I notice there’s an “Install Updates and Shutdown” option next to the normal “shutdown” option, which I use if I’m not in a terrible hurry right now. Takes a little longer to shut down, next boot will also take a little longer, but that’s it. I’ve literally never had these unwelcome interruptions I hear so frequently about.

      • I literally sat for 30 minutes on a slow work laptop that still had a spinning rust drive once after turning it on waiting for Windows to finish an update it started the night before when I told it to install updates and shut down instead of just shut down. It was quite embarrassing waiting in front of a client before I could get any work done.

      • Happened to me once. I came home from workz and just wanted to watch some TV series on VLC before bed. Instead, Windows update told me it was upgrading and I only had the choice to delay for one minute. Okay, whatever, I thought. I let it happen. Then hours passed. Hours more. I just went to bed while it updated. In the morning, I had a new version of Windows I never asked for, and it never told me it was instaling.

      • I think it is more gentle when you actually use the OS, but OP says they don’t use it a lot. I basically don’t use Windows a lot for so many reasons, but in the odd occasion I need to use it, it’s like OP’s experience. There are so many updates and the thing insists on installing them, or you think it’s gonna be okay to install them --accostumed to pacman, apt or whatever. If you agree or click on Install updates as they recommend, there you go into the rabbit hole of Windows updates.

        • This. I have to use Windows for work and it doesn’t actually update that often. And when it does, I just choose “update tonight” and it updates when I go to shut down at the end of the day. But at home where I have a Linux/Windows dual boot, it seems to update every time I boot it up. My Linux install seems to also have a lot of updates but it just shows a tray icon and lets me do it whenever.

    • I did that yesterday and Ubuntu 23.04 crashed, it only showed a black screen with a cursor and nothing worked. I had to force shutdown and reboot. It’s the first time it has happened to me. Maybe an Nvidia issue?