• Well he’s clearly a jerk who doesn’t know when he should just stay silent but I guess this can partly be explained by the fact that he obviously has some form of autism/asberger or something.

        I just don’t see anything that major in there. I can think of several worse people who don’t seem to be getting this level of hate so I find it curious what it is about Musk then that he does.

        • Firstly, being on the autism spectrum (not saying he is or isn’t) doesn’t give you the right to be an asshole, and I’m sure many people who are on it and aren’t assholes will tell you that this take is insulting.

          Secondly, when you say there is nothing major on there, you have to keep in mind his level of reach and influence. If your neighbour says “this new Covid thing is going to just blow over, there’ll be no cases soon’”, you can say “OK buddy, hope you’re right but it’s not looking likely”. When Musk says it, he directly contributes massively to the misinformation that has killed a lot of people and changed the whole damn world for the worse

          • Yeah I agree that with a platform of this size it comes with huge responsibility aswell knowing your words have a real world consequences. Maybe that’s the explanation to the widespreat hate. People much worse than him generally don’t shitpost on social media so we’re not thinking about them