been considering making a proper fursona recently, but i’m not sure what species(‘s) to pick. how did you pick yours? did it have to do with aesthetics, personality, or some kind of connection to that animal? all three? tell your story :)

  • I just like foxes, think most fursonas start with favorite species + favorite color, there is a lot more to it though.
    Foxes always resonated with me cause of their agile nature and sly behavior and they look hecking cute and floofy :3
    There is a large variety of fursonas too, like: foxes, wolves, dragons (fluffy or scaly), bunnies, sharks, dogs, cats, pokemon, sergals, protogens
    and also more exotic species like: snow leopards, lynxes, servals, hyenas, otters, bats, bears, lions, owls
    basically every animal, fictional or not, you can think of

    • I find it amusing that pokemon, sergals, and protogens are somehow less exotic to you than real-world species like otters or bears. Although I do see a lot more proots these days, now that I think of it…