• This was just more MS propaganda so they could buy Activision and consolidate. Further harming gaming competition. It shouldn’t be taken as anything but twisted truth for a profit.

      • My conflict lies more with how Sony fucked up gaming with their exclusive deals for the last decade or so and now Microsoft is pulling the Uno reverse on them, where I as a PC gamer lean more towards Microsoft. That’s the part of this merger I personally like to a degree.

      • He’s reported he wants to leave. Because he’ll become an even bigger billionaire. But there’s no guarantee that we’ve seen, is there? He’s egotistical enough he may want to stay on.

        MS has lately had a fairly light touch on their acquisitions. They just want their profits to be theirs and to use their IPs to push Xbox sales.

        But even if he leaves, it’s unlikely MS is going to radically shift their games to be more consumer friendly. CoD and King already prey on children and make bank doing it. MS isn’t throwing that away.