I’m currently running Arch and it’s great, but I’m noticing I’m not staying on the ball in regards to updates. I’ve been reading a bit about Nix and NixOS and thinking of trying it as my daily driver. I’ve got a Lenovo x1 xtreme laptop, I don’t do much gaming (except OSRS), use firefox, jetbrains stuff, bitwarden, remmina, obsidian, and docker.

Is anyone running NixOS as their daily? How are you liking it and are there any pitfalls / stuff you wish you knew before?

  • I love NixOS. I run it on my home server. However, I can’t daily drive it. I need something a little less rigid to do my day to day work. Although it is greatly satisfying to have everything reproducible, it isn’t always practical to dedicate the time to making it so.