Hi, sorry if this is a stupid question I’m sure you’re having to answer all kinds of ridiculous things with the influx of us newbies.

I’m finding that often I can’t actually see most of the discussion in a thread while logged into my account. I’ll see a thread with no comments, and be able to reply to it normally, but if I view that same thread in incognito mode suddenly I see all the other comments that are apparently invisible to me while logged in.

On Mastodon there are sometimes similar issues that can be got around by following users or searching specific toot URLs to help federate, but I have no idea what the equivalent action is on Lemmy.

Any pointers very welcome, thanks!

  • Oh hey it’s you again :)

    Thanks, I hadn’t changed the language but I’ve just gone in and explicitly set it to “undetermined” as it seems it wasn’t set to anything by default. Now I CAN see some of the comments that were missing before, but other entire threads have disappeared including ones I’ve already commented in (I can no longer see our convo from yesterday for example).

    What a mess! I need to fiddle with this more, and new accounts should definitely be defaulting to “undetermined” if this is what happens when they’re not.

    Edit: Missed the bit where you said it was multi-select so now I can see everything (I think), but this is definitely not an ideal default situation