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  •  Dave   ( ) 
    121 year ago

    I think one issue is that it’s no fun to defend your patch for too long. Any future even is likely to have twice as many participants, and anything drawn on the Thursday is likely gone by the Monday without a team to defend it.

    • That’s true, but one thing I liked about r/place was the evolution of designs - for example a massive flag would appear early on, be fought over and then the flag would shrink to a more defensible size and the rest of the flag became a different thing. The time lapse was fascinating because of this.

      The culture here is more cooperative and less troll-y (trollful? trollesque?) so I’d hope/expect to see more collaborative solutions. I know once I’d helped place the fuck cars logo I threw my pixels into helping build unfinished designs or repair existing ones.

      •  Dave   ( ) 
        41 year ago

        Yeah, it will be interesting how the community here evolves over time. Definitely this Canvas event had people working together, respecting other designs, and helping out other projects; but I wonder if it would be the same if we didn’t have ample space.