Sales of Final Fantasy 16 did not meet Square Enix’s high expectations, said president Takashi Kiryu. Last week the com…

  • They have taken the series too far into MMO land, and need to go back to focusing on a good story

    You say that as though FF14 doesn’t have one of the best stories of modern Final Fantasy games.

    • You’re not wrong, but a lot of people aren’t willing to invest the subscription fee and the hundreds of hours they’d need to see that for themselves. And even as someone who’s all caught up on 14, I honestly can’t blame them. Time is precious, and it’s asking for a lot.

    • To be fair, that has at least as much to do with the last few entries setting the bar so low. And even then FF14 drops a few stinkers here and there cough Company of Heroes/Titan cough Paladin questline cough