The white supremacist group Patriot Front is suing a left-wing activist for allegedly infiltrating the group and revealing the identities of members, USA Today reported. The lawsuit says the alleged “doxxings” cost the members their jobs and personal relationships. As USA Today points out, Patriot F…

  • The hypocrisy of these groups is showing:

    The suit claims Capito joined Patriot Front using a false identity and accessed the group’s computer databases to access private information, which he then shared with friendly activists and hackers.

    “This confidential information was then widely published and used to harass and threaten the Plaintiffs, with the aim, and result, of doxxing them and other Patriot Front members and causing them serious harm,” the lawsuit says.

    They do this sort of thing all the time to the trans community.

    • Which is why this makes me a bit uneasy

      Sure, when it happens to Nazis, fuck em, they’re scum

      But like…I’ll bet some of you reading are Communists. There’s a lot of employers who would fire you for affiliating with communist groups. Or pro-union groups.

      I don’t like the precedent of ruining someone’s life because it can easily be turned around on you.

      • When you take a job, you have a good idea of what behavior can get you fired. You can get fired most places just because. I think it’s good to make it clear joining a Nazi club is one of those behaviors that’s going to get you fired. All this pussyfooting is encouraging them from these nobodies so the way up to the last president.

          • I agree it’s wrong to fire people for organizing a union, but that line doesn’t exist to begin with. Companies can and will continue to do that. I don’t agree with it, but that’s the way it currently is. I’m not sure if it’s been established you’re not allowed to be a Nazi outside of your typical “behavior not becoming of an XYZcorp employee” that they can use to legally fire you for anything they’re want I’m just saying we should make it clear that this specific behavior, joining Nazi clubs, is clearly a valid offense.

            Again, 100 percent in agreement with you, but it’s not such a slippery slope issue when employees were never anywhere near the top of that slope to begin with, so we may as well hammer it home when we’ve identified a specific legal but unacceptable behavior.