My favorite is Pumpernickel! A piece of toasted pumpernickel with butter and a touch of natural peanut butter is a thing of joy for me.

What’s yours?

  • Favorite bread? That’s like asking “what’s your favorite air?” 😆

    It’d be quicker to say which breads I’m not fond of: Tuscan bread in general (no salt at all) and plain old white (e.g., Wonder). I love pumpernickel, rye with caraway seeds, pizza bianca, sourdough, challah, real Italian bread, *real * bagels (I detest frozen bagels—by law they shouldn’t even be called “bagels” 😆)…oh, the list goes on and on! 🥰🥖

    • A man after my own heart. I would die without it! It took me a minute to settle on pumpernickel as a favorite, as well. There’s just too many tasty breads out there!