Imagine killing someone and getting away with it. Cars kill my people and then cases often go unsolved in the US. What’s the first step in ending this?

  • Maybe bicyclist being slower than cars should stay on the side of the road and not hog the whole road. I am a bicyclist, but I also drive because I am in a remote-ish northern community. The cyclists here are kinda dicks as well.

    • I know you’re getting downvoted but I think you’re right. I always bike on the sidewalk, even if it is illegal here. It is awkward to get out of the way for pedestrians and I do get dirty looks, but that’s better than being run over.

    •  lntl   ( ) OP
      1 year ago

      I agree, it’s wise for cyclists to not block the road for no reason. On the other hand, killing them for any reason feels like a step too far.

      Also, to be fair, motorists are dicks too. And there’s more of them.