Austria’s conservative Chancellor Karl Nehammer wants the right to use cash enshrined in the constitution, he told Austrian media in remarks published on Friday (4 August), an idea the far-right Freedom Party has been pushing for years.

  •  NuPNuA   ( ) 
    311 months ago

    You think they can’t collate your receipts just because you pay by cash I’ve got a bridge to sell you. Facial recognition on the tills combined with time and date of till transaction and they have all they already.

    • The type of argument you’re making is this: “Climate change is happening anyway, let’s build more coal plants!” I don’t really agree with the type of argument in general.

      Corporate surveillance that can be turned into surveillance for the state at a whim is destructive to democracy and makes society worse.

      Also, facial recognition is much slower and much less precise and generates much more data/noise than just collecting info from a card. There are quite a few practical hurdles here.