I’m keeping it broad by not specifying a distro. I’m just curious is this a real option for actual editing professionals? As far as I understand you can make it work by running under Wine, but I’m guessing this comes with significant drawbacks. I’m having trouble finding any information on both the current state of things with running Premiere under linux (most info seems to be from 2018 for some reason), and the extent of the drawbacks in a quantifiable way.

I’m generally a pretty happy Mac OS user, but I always want to keep options open. I haven’t really tried to use Linux on desktop since the late 00s.

  • Is there any good alternative to Photoshop on Linux? That’s about the only thing I miss after switching

    There’s GIMP but it seems a little clunky sometimes, I’ve heard krita is good for artists but I tend to just use this kind of thing for editing images

      • It’s a browser app though

        Extremely laggy as PWA in chromium, less laggy in chrome and has to be used in a normal browser window in firefox

        Doesn’t work if I’m not connected to the internet and also ads taking up ~10-15% of the window

        When it’s working in firefox it seems like a decent alternative and even supports opening psds which is incredibly useful but not sure I’d want to run it in a browser, if it was open source could shove it in an electron wrapper and be done with it but doesn’t seem to be, their public GitHub only has branding and information

      •  NaoPb   ( @NaoPb@beehaw.org ) 
        11 months ago

        I would like to mention Pixlr E. Which I personally use. I think it’s similar. Works great for someone used to older Photoshop versions (I have no experience with modern Photoshop, mind you).

    • Honestly, no there isn’t. Even if Gimp can apparently do a lot of what Photoshop can, you have to first learn, then jump through 20 unintuitive hoops to get to the same result thst Photoshop can do in 2 clicks. Nothing compares as far as I’m concerned.

      • I’m not sure there is really anything else like that on Linux though on a more positive note.

        Most other tools I’ve ever had to interact with either have native support, run perfectly/very well with wine or have a good/better alternative on linux