Current ad free plans for Disney+ and Hulu are now raising $3 more on October 12. Both becoming $13.99 and $17.99.

  • Does the HDR tone mapping work for other users? I have an HDR capable OLED but most of my friends using my Plex server have TVs with no HDR support so the HDR content I download looks like ass for them. I’d like to fix that, but not if every single user has to pay for it.

      • HDR to SDR tone mapping support is currently available as a Plex Pass preview and requires an active Plex Pass subscription for the main Plex Media Server account.

        Okay cool, so it sounds like it would fix this issue for all my users as long as I maintain Plex Pass or buy a lifetime subscription. I might consider this since it’s easier than talking my friends into investing in a nice HDR TV or watching shows from their house and feeling pained that they don’t seem to care.