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  •  Euy49   ( ) 
    22 years ago

    Good point. But for me there is a big difference between a lemon and God. Many have seen a lemon and know what the word is referring to. Nobody or maybe few have seen God but many use the word. So the relationship between God and the word “God” must be different than that between lemon and the word “lemon”. As far as I understand, there is no “actual God” (like “actual lemon”) because God could be thought of as the creator of Actuality.

    •  froghorse   ( ) 
      2 years ago

      A man sees something strange and impressive. He tries to describe it to his friends.

      But the thing is strange. His friends have never seen it or anything like it. So it’s difficult for him to convey what he saw.

      He says “it’s like this”. He compares it to something everybody’s seen. He uses metaphors.

      But what is he really conveying? It is arguably the illusion of understanding.