Steel bands tighten around my heart. My knees knock and my vision wavers. But then I remember I’m not on Reddit, and metacanada has not yet replaced the moderation team with pod people.

What measures are in place to ensure the continuing security of our moderation team? If it won’t compromise them to tell us.

    • I hear what you’re saying. But new users are going to just type in their country and under this system may have a series of different options.

      With Reddit the only way you find onguardforthee is through an insane routing.

      That being said as Lemmy gets more popular prepare for more diversity of thought. Based on the OP’s post I can definitely say I’m more center than they are.

      • Yeah, but is an echo-chamber really better?

        I hope this place can become a spot for thoughtful discussions where people from the left, right and centre can come together and have differences of opinion while still having respect for each other.

        I also hope we keep opinion articles out as much as possible because they do little to establish thoughtful dialogue.

        I don’t want to see this place become metacanada or onguardforthee.