Hey Beehaw, whatcha reading right now?

  • I really want to read Children of Time. I actually did start it and got half way through, but I have such an intense arachnophobia that I had to give up because I kept dreaming of spiders and waking up terrified. I enjoyed his writing style, though, and am curious about his new trilogy coming out.

    • Aah that’s so rough, I’m sorry to hear that! I’m terrified of spiders IRL but fortunately it doesn’t extend much to other media 😅

      Is it the Final Architecture trilogy that’s his new one? I’ve got the first book on my to-read list, but haven’t gotten to it yet. It doesn’t look like the audiobook has the same narrator as the Children of Time books, though, which is a bummer!

      • Yeah! The first one is Shards of Earth. I have it sitting on my nightstand to read next since the final book of the trilogy just came out.

        Thinking about it, I wonder if listening to an audiobook would help me with the phobia since I’m not usually bothered by people talking about spiders and, for whatever reason, I don’t create as much visualization in my head when I am listening to something as opposed to reading it. Especially since the narrator seems so good!

        • That’s an interesting observation! If you do end up giving it a shot and it doesn’t bother you as much via audio, you definitely won’t be disappointed in the narrator (IMO). 🙂 (Then again, I feel like I’m really picky about audiobook narrators for some reason, haha).

      • I figured. I got to the part where they captured a woman and she sort of starved to death. They weren’t doing anything evil intentionally; she was completely foreign to their way of life. I assumed the ending would revolve around learning from each other or cohabitation - some type of mutual respect. Maybe not. I’ll get back into it. I have the audiobook on my waitlist for the library.