Imagine killing someone and getting away with it. Cars kill my people and then cases often go unsolved in the US. What’s the first step in ending this?

    •  TauZero   ( ) 
      1 year ago

      In America, five times more bicyclists are killed by drivers than people killed in mass shootings. For reference: 1483 mass shooting deaths (defined as 4 or more willfully killed in a single incident) among all 272 incidents in 2006-2017 (not counting 417 deaths in 89 mass killing incidents by non-firearm means) = 136 deaths/year. 599 pedestrians and bicyclists killed by distracted drivers in 2017 (not counting 6161 pedestrians/bicyclists killed by “non”-distracted drivers) = 4.4x. 783 bicyclists killed (presumably mostly in collisions with cars) = 5.8x :(