TO THE ADMINS: Read this thread and give me one good reason why federating with toxic, propaganda spreading tankie loons is a good idea.

No one wants those fucks, or the alt right dipshits for that matter, around, and they’re spreading blatant lies, yet I see they are here. Does only care about boosting its numbers and is willing to sink to new lows to do it, I wonder? 🤔

  • No, the point of Lemmy is to replace Reddit, and if we’re just going to get enabling admins who likely are tankies or being unduly influenced by tankies, then it is pointless.

    I will NOT go away or be silenced. You will NOT demand I just put up with it or do the admins’ job for them. It’s their job to protect us from bad faith scumbags looking to fulfill a stupid political agenda and brainwash people.

    Insinuating anyone who complains about abuse is the problem for complaining, not the abusive behavior is a tactic bad-faith actors always use to silence legitimate dissent. Are you here in bad faith? Because by doing it you sure sound like it