More than 60% of Brits want to re-join the EU with nearly the same number saying Britain was wrong to leave in the first place, a new poll shows.

  • It would need to stay at these numbers for the next ten years, politicians from all parties would need to start waxing lyrical about EU membership through at least one election cycle if not two. The degenerate eurohating media would also need to be lobotomized somehow.

    Until that happens the EU won’t touch UK membership with a shitty stick.

    • It would need to stay at these numbers for the next ten years

      The number of voters believing Brexit was the wrong idea have consistently exceeded those believing it is the right idea in polling since about mid-2017. We’re already 6 years into your 10.

      The reason there was so much clamour for a second referendum in 2017-19 (a manifesto policy of parties accounting for >50% of the votes cast at the 2019 general election) is because the polling consistently showed Remain would have won it.

      • Polling numbers showed a 50/50 split in intent to vote back in 2016.

        We have increased from 50% wanting to remain to 60% wanting to go back? It doesn’t feel like good enough numbers to convince anyone that enough has changed.