To be clear, this is just a joke, and I don’t look down on direct downloading. It absolutely has its place, and sometimes I do it myself if it’s just faster to download a file directly. Torrenting is just so much more convenient, though, especially when using Jackett’s manual search.

  • dont most countries not allow it though? something about there being pressure from the country/copy right holder that the product is associated with? so like even if uganda dont care if their citizens all rip the new taylor swift, if they dont enforce then usa or copyright holder is going to be mad and uganda dont want that.

    i could be wrong im not sure but i think i read that somewhere. so like essentially its illegal everywhere depending on what content is torrented, which a lot is from usa. and probably south korea lol and i know they have strict copyright laws

    •  Hacksaw   ( ) 
      92 years ago

      Nah, even in Canada you just get a warning everytime a rights holder complains. I have Teksavyy, which is a decent ISP, they take the “scary” letter/email the rights holder sends and enclose it in a cover letter that says “we’re legally required to send this to you, however they don’t know who you are so don’t respond to them or expose yourself in any way. The only way for them to find out who you are is if a judge compels us to tell them, which is rare”

      There is no amount of these warnings that leads to a higher consequence.

      I expect that if Canada is this chill, I’d be surprised if Uganda was more strict.

      It’s mostly just the US that’s insane about copyright I think. You guys have Hollywood and the music industry and they got no chill.