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let’s address the possibility that like mastodon/matrix 99% of ppl will flock to the biggest handful of servers

What is the real value of decentralization given that? Outside of like political unrest.

And what role do small servers really do in that landscape? Obv “novelty” servers like midov cater to the like lolicon enthusiasts and I’m sure there are a few other servers dedicated to illegal things. Regional severs are quite compatible with various nationalists/patriots

  • Currently, it seems unlikely. You’ve got Beehaw,, Sopuli, and Lemmygrad as your largest instances currently so we’re already seeing significant decentralization. Even in the last few days I’ve noticed a bunch of tiny instances popping up. As time goes on, people gravitate towards the big servers, but even a handful of big servers is better than the monoliths of Reddit and Twitter.

    •  pyarra   ( ) 
      11 year ago

      Do you see many people staying on their own small instances? Im new to the platform, but seeing the overload to the instance I decided to spin up my own instance, and dont see why I would change. Is there sth I’m missing?