•  Sl00k   ( @Sl00k@programming.dev ) 
    3011 months ago

    Comments like this contribute nothing. Sure it’s true but it has absolutely nothing to do with the conversation at hand and is unnecessary.

    Instead let’s have a discussion, do you think Hollywood has had a stream of Garbage content lately?

    • Yes, streams of piss-soaked garbage content such as Joe Rogan and Jordan Peterson. They and their fans are braindead morons that are driving the dumbing-down effect that they themselves want to complain about.

      EDIT: Also given Levi’s controversial opinions, which he readily claims he has lifted directly from aforementioned podcasters, we should probably be concerned as to what he considers “garbage.”

    • I’m with you here. I’m beyond tired of this immediate branding of people as wholely disregardable because they have some unsavoury opinions. People can simultaneously hold good and bad opinions. You’re not a bad person for agreeing with an idea held by someone you mostly disagree with.

      Tom Cruise is a culty weirdo, but he’s also a phenomenal actor, so we like his movies. In all likelihood, Hitler enjoyed sandwiches, but that doesn’t mean sandwiches are bad.

      Follow ideas for their own sake. The idea that Hollywood pumps out a lot of garbage is correct and agreeable no matter who says it.