the one thing linux really hasnt been made on par with winblows yet is the dreadful amount of options for android simulation -the most popular choice seems to be Waydroid, but its such an unneeded hassle to set up at all -genymotion is just slow -and than you have things like android x86 which entirely defeat the point of an emulator

  •  Mandy   ( ) OP
    12 years ago

    zen doesnt work with endeavouros at all, never loaded (tried it less than an hour ago) and you either need to use a tiling wm, or gnome/kde neither of which i would do willingly

    • Zen works fine in endeavor for me last I checked, but then again I haven’t checked for a few mkneths I don’t recommend using our derivatives anyways.

      on Wayland supported compositor “works” (hyprland and wayfire seem to have some issues). I personally use waydroid via cage ontop of x11. but a lot of people use weston. Ive been meaning to test cosmic but haven’t gotten around to it.

      EDIT: I haven’t seen any other users talking about issues using zen kernel on the telegram either.

      •  Mandy   ( ) OP
        22 years ago

        not unusual that you claim it works for everyone but me, its neither the first nor the last time

        you are merely supporting what i said that it barely works for anything but tiling vms and some few select DEs, if you can even call wayfire that and i would very much like to avoid tilingvms at all costs, id like to use something more, well, usable

        • how so? People rarely have issues outside of some janky endeavor related bugs. hyprland’s issues also effect other applications like wine,

          it works on nearly every wayland compositor I have tested, labwc, and enlightenment are included. no idea where you get the impression that it only works on tiling wms.

          •  Mandy   ( ) OP
            2 years ago

            I dont? Like i said, mainly tiling AND a select view graphical enviroments,

            Gnome i find entirely unusable,

            and enlightement just takes apples infuriating design choices,

            And those, for me, are quite the limited selections to make it work

            Edit: if it where to workwith a for me much more to use de like cinnamon or xfce, than id be more inclined to properly dive into it

              •  Mandy   ( ) OP
                12 years ago

                I have no idea what you just said, nested compositor? Cage?,

                But thats myoriginal point,

                This makes it defacto unusable for people who dont want a hackerman solution, or jumping through hoops you have to research

                Imagine telling that to a total newbie now who just wants their apps on linux like nox or bluestacks do

                  •  Mandy   ( ) OP
                    22 years ago

                    and there we are again, thats where it so often ends up on linux doesnt it? "it works for me so " or, as i like to interpret it “it works for me so there is no need to make it easier”

                    i have absolutely nothing against you, truly, but this is the exact same point i have seen repeated ad nauseam for so many different problems exclusive to linux

                    just because difficult works for some people, doesnt mean i shouldnt be allowed to complain about the fact there is no easier option