• RedHats focus is on Enterprise Linux, Openshift, AWX, etc.

      Are they even a “competitor” in enterprise Linux desktop? Enterprise Linux servers, sure, and I suppose a good number of orgs who don’t want to deal with dissimilar “user” distros, but I’d think Canonical would have enterprise desktop Linux pretty much sealed by now.

      • Fedora is a great OS. They also bought CoreOS a while ago and rolled it into their own offerings (fedora Coreos and RHEL Coreos). They’re also the primary developers of Pipewire, the de facto replacement for PulseAudio and potentially Gstreamer.

        It’s really sad, in a fluke they’ve embraced, expanded, and extinguished OSS projects by making themselves the linchpin, and then selling to IBM. Goes to show that you should never trust those even with the best intentions, as they can eventually sell out.