Sylvain Charlebois discusses the subtle alteration in the nutritional composition of some products as manufacturing costs soar in the industry.

  • Yeah, that’s why we have government regulations in the first place. Because we don’t have the same level of resources or power to do anything about it that companies do.

    We just need way better regulations. And really strong enforcement. Oh and fines that actually matter, like 10% of yearly profits for each infraction, no upper limit. If they can’t be pro-social, fine them into bankruptcy.

    • Have you already written a proposal ready for submission to your clerical government employee you hired a few years ago exactly to have someone to submit such things to in order get things in motion?

      Or is this need like when someone says they need a private jet, but then quickly scurry away because they don’t want to put in the work it takes to actually acquire one?

      • Yeah you’re right, totally entirely my job to do literally all of it, and talking to people to raise awareness of something that would currently be a non-starter does absolutely nothing.

        Thanks for the help! -.-

        • and talking to people to raise awareness of something

          People are most commonly found outside.

          And yet you choose a venue that, if other people are involved at all, goes to great lengths to hide that fact. And if there are indeed other people listening in, there is little reason to believe they are located in the same jurisdiction, making your movement rather pointless. Furthermore, if what you have to say really does start to grain traction with people who live near you, a good first step is to start to take note of who is in support. But since it is not even clear if you are communicating with other people at all, and if they are people they have chosen to be anonymous… This is not a well considered plan.

          But we get it. You’re really looking to entertain yourself while you have some free time to kill.