• Voting with your wallet is valid and understandable, I have no issues when someone refuse to buy products from a brand they don’t like for any reason.

    But, for pirates isn’t enough to just not buy, they have to consume the product either way even if, by their words, is a garbage mess, bad service or whatever. They like to trash talk about games or shows or anything and yet they go out of thier way to pirate.

    Also, according to them, when you pirate a game you’re not hurting the company, because you already make the decision to not buy the product, so pirating it doesn’t make any difference. So how that would that punish any entity then? It’s so incoherent

    •  Ziro   ( @Ziro@lemm.ee ) 
      111 months ago

      I think you may have misunderstood: sometimes the intent is to hurt a company. I believe that sometimes it can be entirely morally justifiable.