According to Billet themselves, they heard nothing about compensation or payback until about 3 hours after the original GN video went live… Which Billet hadnt even replied to before Linus made his post saying they’ve already made the deal on compensation.

    •  Vlyn   ( ) 
      2411 months ago

      It doesn’t even matter. An auction is selling too, same thing. If I put my stuff on eBay and someone buys it I don’t say I “auctioned it off”, I say “I sold it to some guy on eBay”. It’s just fixed price vs a bidding, in the end a price gets reached and a transaction occurs.

      Linus can’t seem to take the L and just digs the grave deeper. Unfortunately at this point LTT is too big to fail, but I hope it puts a dent in their numbers and makes them eat some humble pie. Maybe they can fix their internal issues then.